Optic Neuritis: Eye Pain That Mimics Migraine

Migraine is characterised by one-sided headaches with symptoms like nausea, vomiting and sensitivity to light. This is a common problem among urbanites, particularly those aged 25-55. But sometimes, this kind of intense pain may not have something to do with your head but is a warning sign of other diseases, such as optic neuritis.
What is optic neuritis?
Optic neuritis is a condition mostly occurring in women, especially those aged 20-40. It often affects one eye at an early stage but may affect both eyes when the condition worsens. Generally, patients will restore their vision 1-3 months after treatment, but those with severe complications like uveitis may suffer from the risk of blindness.
Symptoms of optic neuritis
Blurred vision or blindness
Optic neuritis can cause damage to the optic nerves and eyesight, leading to blurred vision or blindness.
Eye pain or pressure in the eye
Optic neuritis triggers discomfort in the eye, including pain or a feeling of pressure. Some patients may experience migraines due to inflammation and injuries in their optic nerves.
Visual field loss
Patients may suffer from visual field loss due to optic nerve damage, such as seeing blind spots or blurred areas in the corners of their eyes.
Reduced colour vision
Optic neuritis may affect colour perception, such as impairing the ability to distinguish between red and green.
Shaking eyes
The condition may also affect the ability to control eye movement, leading to unstable or shaking eyes.
How can I treat optic neuritis?
Steroid medications are mainly used to treat this condition. Research findings point out that intravenous steroid therapy can speed up vision recovery, but patients with mild symptoms can have a similar recovery speed without steroid treatment.
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