Childhood Obesity: Doctors Reveal Its Causes and Health Consequences

Obesity and diabetes are closely related. A survey conducted by the Chinese University of Hong Kong this year found that the rate of overweight and obese schoolchildren in Hong Kong has increased by nearly two-fold during the pandemic. What are the adverse impacts of childhood overweight and obesity on health? As November 14th is "World Diabetes Day", Dr Lam Tung, a general practitioner, will break down the causes of childhood obesity and its health consequences for everyone.
What are the causes of childhood obesity?
Q: In recent years, childhood obesity has become a serious issue in Hong Kong and worldwide. What leads to this phenomenon?
Dr Lam Tung: Due to the trend of late marriage in recent years, many couples only plan to have one or two children, leading to low birth rates. Parents also tend to spoil their children and often use food or drinks as rewards, which often contain high sugar and fat. Coupled with insufficient exercise among children, this makes childhood obesity a global phenomenon.
Can childhood obesity lead to diabetes and fatty liver disease?
Q: What are the consequences of childhood obesity?
Dr Lam Tung: Overweight children are at risk of developing type 2 diabetes, which can cause elevated blood sugar levels, high blood lipid levels, high blood pressure, joint pain, breathing difficulties, and even non-alcoholic fatty liver disease – all of which are common complications of childhood obesity.
Does childhood obesity increase the risk of diabetes in adulthood?
Q: It is believed that obese children have a higher risk of diabetes when they grow up. Is it true?
Dr Lam Tung: If overweight children do not revise their lifestyle habits, they are likely to remain overweight when they grow up, and obese adults often develop higher insulin resistance. This makes insulin unable to control blood sugar levels properly, leading to a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes. This is why childhood obesity can lead to the development of diabetes in adulthood.
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