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Throat Pain Making You Miserable? Try These 5 Home Remedies for Relief

All of us have experienced a sore throat at some point in our lives. It can be caused by various things like talking too much or catching a cold, COVID-19, the flu or tonsillitis. It can feel different for everyone - some may just experience a scratchy throat, while others may feel excruciating pain. No matter how it feels, a sore throat is always a pain in the neck. But don't worry, we’ve got you covered with 5 tips to soothe the pain!


Drink more water

Drinking water is the best way to ease throat pain as it helps wash away mucus and bacteria in the throat. Plus, staying hydrated can give your immune system a boost, helping you fight off germs.

But how do you know if you're drinking enough water? Your body weight (in kg) multiplied by 30 c.c. is the recommended daily intake. For example, if you weigh 60 kg, you’ll need 60×30 = 1800 c.c. of water a day. It's okay to drink a bit more when you're sick, as long as you don't drink more than 2 litres in one hour or exceed 4 litres in one day.

Honey water

Honey contains natural acids and high concentrations of sugar which give it antibacterial properties, therefore is effective in wound healing and soothing sore throat. It can also inhibit bacterial growth, reduce inflammation, and moisturise your respiratory tract. You can consume honey directly or mix it with water before drinking.

Iced water

If you don't have any coughing, dizziness or symptoms of a cold, drinking ice water is also a good way to ease throat pain. The cold water can temporarily numb your throat and relieve inflammation that's causing the pain. Plus, drinking more water can help promote your body's metabolism.


Saltwater gargle

While saltwater has no treatment effect, it can help ease the pain. Just mix a 1/4 teaspoon of salt into a cup of warm water and gargle with it. It'll help wash away viruses and bacteria clinging to your throat’s mucous membranes.


Dry air can also cause a sore throat. You can use a humidifier to add moisture to the air to make your throat feel better.

Source: Medical News

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